Preservation Ethos
IRDMATRIX Mantra: "Preserve the Past - Touch Tomorrow"
IRDMATRIX and nonprofit service provider of pre-apprenticeship programs and on the job training and development.
IRDMATRIX supports historic preservation
tax credits as an economic generator and historic preservation as an economic engine.
IRDMATRIX builds community organization and capacity underpinning distressed communities, undervalued properties and development.
IRDMATRIX advocates about historic preservation and historic structures, protecting, preserving, and rehabilitation.
IRDMATRIX supports (historic) preservation planning and advocacy as an economic generator of within distressed communities.
IRDMATRIX lends technical assistance about
nonprofit training programs underpinning quality affordable housing and good jobs.
IRDMATRIX mantra, "Preserve the past, Touch tomorrow" and call-to-action about sustainable community development and economic vitality.